Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)

Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)

Seller: amirh88
Sending method: shipment
Send origin: خراسان رضوی - مشهد
Price chart Price: 50,000 Tomans ($0.5)
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Conductive plate, a tool for repairing the control and telephone (5 sheets of 25 pieces)

By using this powerful tool, just by installing a banner in your workplace, repair controls, telephones and calculators and earn money.

I have been selling Conductive plate on various sites for several years, and some buyers even do control repairs at their homes.

Each conductive sheet has 25 conductors.

25 buttons can be repaired with each 25 sheet.

In the packaging of this product, there are 5 sheets of 25 pieces of Conductive plate along with an instruction sheet.

Conductive plate

Failure of control buttons or phone is one of the things that we all have faced. The biggest problem with the controls is the failure of the control rubber. In this case, we have to press the control buttons or the phone so hard that either our hands get tired or our nerves are disturbed. The cause of this problem is the removal of carbon materials attached to the bottom layer of the control rubber.

With 15 years of experience in control sales and repairs, I can confidently tell you that there is no tool that can overcome this problem once and for all. But this problem will be solved forever by using a Conductive plate. The phone and controls I fixed this way are still working after a few years.

Unlike similar circuits that use carbon, I used a special type of aluminum foil that does not change in any way for several years. I guarantee that if you use the conductor according to the instructions, as long as the control does not fail due to impact or failure of electronic circuits, this conductor will work without problems.

When installing the conductor, pay attention that the black side is facing up, that is, towards you, and the silver side is on the board.

The important thing is to clean the kit or printed circuit board fiber before installing the conductor, which must be done. For this, you can use acetone solution or instant thinner with the help of cotton. If the washing is not done properly, the greasy surface of the kit will cause the glue you put on the conductor to separate from the board after a while and cause the conductor to separate from the control board and move it.

Also, if you have a chance, I recommend cleaning the control rubber with soap and water or dishwashing liquid, especially when the rubber is greasy and dirty.

Because usually between one and 4 buttons are damaged in each control, each sheet of 25 conductive stickers is enough to repair about 5 controls.

The buttons that usually break are: power, volume, channel volume and video button

How to use Conductive plate:

1. First, open the controller or phone or any device you want to repair by opening the frame or in any way.

2. Clean the surface of the circuit or the same kit completely with acetone or thinner and then dry it. Avoid using too much acetone or thinner.

3. Separate a piece of Conductive plate from the plate with the help of scissors. Be careful to only cut around the circle and do not cut inside the circle.

4. Place the cut conductor exactly like the pictures on the kit and in the location of the damaged button. The black side should be towards you and the silver circle should be on the board

5. Place a piece of tape on the conductor, as in the pictures, and stick both sides of it on the board so that the conductor is completely attached to the kit.

6. Apart from tape, you can use any other adhesive such as paper adhesive, just be careful not to put the adhesive on other keys.

7. Now, before closing the controller, put the tire on the kit and while the controller has a battery, press the conductive buttons with your hands and test it.

8. If it is healthy and working on the desired device, close the control frame and use the control for a long time with ease.

In addition to the descriptions listed here, a help sheet is available within the product for further guidance.

Our most important feature is to send the product at the very beginning of the order, because we almost always have this product ready. If the product is purchased from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, it will be shipped the same day, and if it is purchased after office hours, the product will be shipped the next day in the first hours.

Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)
Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)
Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)
Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)
Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)
Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)

product: Conductive plate for repairing all control buttons (5 sheets of 25 pieces)

Dimensions: 50 * 50 * 0.55 mm

Weight: 10 g

price: 50,000 Tomans ($0.5)

Seller: amirh88

Seller phone: 05133435334 - 09364712485

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05133435334 - 09364712485