Version 14 | Installation in versions | 222 | Implementing API for Torob, Imalls, Zarehbin, Gholab, etc.: In order for your products to be seen, you need to introduce your products on useful sites such as Torob, Emalls, Zarehbin, Gholab, etc. These sites will request an API link from you in order to receive your products specifications. We have programmed a dedicated API for each of those sites and it is ready for your use. Design completion date: 05 Jan 2025 | 14 onwards |
221 | Bulk orders registration by marketer: The marketer can collect the list of customers in an Excel file and then upload that Excel file to his user panel in the bulk orders section. Immediately after uploading, the orders are registered on the site and the marketer can view the registered orders through his marketing performance section. Design completion date: 10 Dec 2024 | 14 onwards |
220 | Better addressing of pages: For better SEO of the pages, the addressing of the pages is coordinated with the standard of search engines. For this, the aspx extension has been removed. On the page of each product, the name of that product is included in the page address. This standard has also been observed for articles and advertisements. Design completion date: 10 Feb 2024 | 14 onwards |
219 | Private and public discount code: In completing item 183, the seller can set the discount code to private or public. Public discount codes are shown on the product details page and in the marketing panel. But no user can see the private discount codes, and the seller provides those codes to the people he wants. Design completion date: 31 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
218 | Products of the same category: On the product specification page, other products of the same category as that product are shown to the user. The administrator can set the display status of the products of the same category horizontally or vertically or invisible. Design completion date: 27 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
217 | Site header background photo: The site header background image can be changed or disabled through the admin panel. Design completion date: 25 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
216 | Advanced horizontal menu: The horizontal menu at the top of the pages can have a picture or, as before, without a picture, or this menu can be completely invisible. It is possible to manage this menu in the management panel. Design completion date: 25 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
215 | What price unit should be shown to the user?: The seller can determine in the product editing form that the price of that product should be shown to the user in what price units? This field has three states, 1) sites main currency 2) sites main currency and dollar 3) dollar Design completion date: 02 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
214 | Display the store on the main page: Some administrators like their sites main page to have more of a store view, so they can activate this item in the administration. Design completion date: 01 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
213 | Manage site variables: In order for the site manager to edit site variables more quickly and accurately, the site variables section is designed in the management panel. If administrators of previous version sites need to edit one or more of the variables, they have to open the public.txt file in the host and make the desired edits and finally save the file, which is a time-consuming and tedious task. But in version 14, variables can be edited in a professional and user-friendly environment. In version 14, 100 variables have already been created, which the administrator can easily and without wasting time edit according to his taste, so that the view of the site and the values of different sections can be adjusted according to his needs and goals. Design completion date: 31 Dec 2023 | 14 onwards |
212 | The names of some pages of the site were modified: In order to better identify pages by Google and a more accurate concept of page names, the names of some pages on the site have been changed to a more appropriate name. orderwork.aspx and report.aspx have been combined and renamed marketing.aspx. m_box.aspx and sellerlink.aspx have been merged together and renamed store.aspx. ads.aspx changed to advertiser.aspx. agahi_ha.aspx changed to ads.aspx. agahi.aspx changed to ad.aspx. asli.aspx has been changed to home.aspx, which of course does not show up in the browser address bar. news.aspx changed to author.aspx. If old addresses are entered or the name of any page is entered incorrectly, the site opens well and does not encounter any errors and there is no need to worry. Design completion date: 04 Dec 2023 | 14 onwards |
211 | Better separation of management departments: In the management of the site, new sections have been created, sections have been deleted, and sections have been separated from each other. For example, the header section of the site has been created where the administrator can edit the header color and the menu in the header. The daily management changes section is divided into three sections. (Editing the content of the pages, changing the members income and expenses, RSS and Sitemap). The sections of the list of sites and the insertion of a special banner and the discussion forum have been removed from version 14 due to their oldness and inefficiency. Design completion date: 03 Dec 2023 | 14 onwards |
210 | Instant update of the dollar price: The price of the dollar and the price of the top cryptocurrencies in the market are updated instantly and automatically on the site. Therefore, there is no need for the site administrator to edit the price of dollars or cryptocurrencies. Design completion date: 01 Dec 2023 | 14 onwards |
209 | Professional slider on home page: Many users request that the appearance of the site be more beautiful and user-friendly, so it was decided to make changes in the appearance and format of the site. One of these changes is creating a professional slider. The site administrator can change the photos or gifs of this slider or increase or decrease their number, or upload photos whose width is larger or smaller than the default. Each slider photo has a separate link to a page of the site. Also, the background color of each slide can be changed. Design completion date: 01 Nov 2023 | 14 onwards |
208 | Update sitemap and RSS and introduce sitemap to Google: Whenever important content is added to the site (for example, a new product is registered and approved), the administrator can click Update Sitemap to automatically edit and update the sitemap file. Then click Submit sitemap to Google to send the sitemap to Google. Design completion date: 18 Oct 2023 | 14 onwards |
207 | Send OTP SMS via pattern: This method, which has become very popular recently, can be implemented with the ability to send SMS through patterns. With this possibility, there is no need to buy a service line and your SMS will be sent to the numbers that have closed their promotional SMS. On the site, 22 types of SMS are sent (for example, SMS to the customer about completing your order, SMS to the user about the product being available, SMS to the seller about registering an order, SMS to the customer about registering the tracking code Shipment and ...) which can be sent either by otp method or by the same normal method. Editing the settings of how to send any type of SMS can be easily done by the administrator. Design completion date: 26 Sep 2023 | 14 onwards |
206 | Determine the main currency of the site: The administrator can set a fixed currency unit for the site, which will be displayed in all parts of the site. For example, Toman or Rial. Before this, both Rial and Toman units were used in different parts of the site. Design completion date: Year 2023 | 14 onwards |
205 | Sending all kinds of files in messenger: Users can send all kinds of files to each other in the messenger of the site. such as photos, videos, PDFs, etc. Design completion date: 16 Sep 2023 | 14 onwards |
204 | The possibility of editing site files from the management panel: The administrator can edit the txt, js and css files of the site from the administration section. And there is no need to enter the host control panels for such edits. Design completion date: 09 Sep 2023 | 14 onwards |
203 | Exclusive site bot: Most of the users get confused after registering on the site and have many questions and they want to get answers to their questions immediately. This is where the site bot comes in and guides the user. The user can chat with the site bot in the site messenger and get help from the bot. The bot is ready to answer any question the user needs immediately. For example, the user can get help from the bot on how to buy a product. Or the marketer can ask the bot for help on how to market and ask for his own exclusive link and... Design completion date: 27 Aug 2023 | 14 onwards |
202 | Online payment with cryptocurrencies: If users from all over the world want to use the services and products of your site and pay for it, the best way is to use cryptocurrencies. If the user changes the language of the site to English, he can pay his orders through cryptocurrency. After the users deposit, his payment will be checked and confirmed automatically and will be registered on the site, and there will be no need to check the site manager. Design completion date: 13 Jan 2024 | 14 onwards |
201 | Bilingual site: Think globally. It is better to plan for the world market of 8 billion people. Using the international English language, invite users from all over the world to your site and offer them services and products. The users of your site will be able to change the language of your site to Farsi or English with just one click. In order to create this useful feature, thousands of words, messages, sentences, email text, SMS text, etc have been translated into English on the site, and the left alignment of the texts, tables, and templates has been included in the English mode. In English mode, the date is displayed in Gregorian format. Every automatic email or SMS is sent to the user in his own language. It took about 5 months to make the site bilingual. Design completion date: 31 Dec 2023 | 14 onwards |
Version 13 | Installation in versions | 200 | Automatic update of prices of products dependent on dollars: The price of many products depends on the dollar price. Due to the large changes in the dollar price, it is very time-consuming to change the price of those products on the site, and sometimes the seller forgets to edit the price of such products. It has been possible for the seller to specify on the product editing page that the price of the product depends on the dollar price. With this, the price of that product will be automatically updated based on the change in the dollar price. Design completion date: 11 Feb 2023 | 13 onwards |
199 | Registration of shipment methods by the seller: After sending the shipment, the seller can also choose the method of sending the shipment (post, tipax, etc.) at the same time as registering the shipment code. After that, the site manager and the customer can enter the tracking page of that shipment (on the post site, tipax, etc.) by clicking on the shipment code. Design completion date: 09 Feb 2023 | 13 onwards |
198 | The seller can sort the product list: To manage products better and more conveniently, the seller can sort the list of products with just one click on the desired column. For example, he wants to sort the products based on status or number of sales or number of visits or price or commission or... Design completion date: 05 Aug 2022 | 13 onwards |
197 | Quick product search in the seller panel: In order for the seller to be able to find and manage the desired product in the shortest possible time, it is enough to enter a few characters of the product name in the search field on the product list page. Design completion date: 05 Aug 2022 | 13 onwards |
196 | Quick editing of product price and commission: The seller can quickly edit the price and commission on the product list page without entering the product editing page. In this case, the status of the product does not change (for example, it remains active) and there is no need to check the site manager. Design completion date: 05 Aug 2022 | 13 onwards |
195 | Upload downloadable products in different formats: The downloadable product seller can upload files in different formats such as apk, pdf, zip, txt, etc. and there is no requirement to zip the files. So customers can open the file immediately after purchasing and downloading (without needing to unzip the file). Design completion date: 05 Aug 2022 | 13 onwards |
194 | Types of physical delivery methods: The seller can choose one or more shipping methods for each physical product (National Post Company, Tipax, Freight, Mahex, Terminal, etc.). The customer can also choose one of the methods determined by the seller for each product in the shopping cart. Design completion date: 13 Jul 2022 | 13 onwards |
193 | mailing label: Sellers can view and print the postage label for each mail order and attach it to the mail packages. This saves them time because they no longer need to manually write the address of the sender and recipient on the postal packages. Design completion date: 18 Jun 2022 | 13 onwards |
192 | Become a seller of this product: On the product specification page, there is a link for you to become a seller of this product. If the user is a product seller but has not yet registered it on the Masbi site and wants to work as a seller of that product on the Masbi site, he can enter the new product registration page by clicking on the relevant link. In this case, product registration is done with just a few clicks. Products that are registered in this way will be identified by the site (they will have a common code). Therefore, if the specification page of that product is opened in the website store, the link of other sellers who have that product will also appear, and the customer can choose another seller of the product and place an order at the moment of purchase. Design completion date: 10 Nov 2021 | 13 onwards |
191 | Reply to comments: 1. Commenting for products, ads and articles has been designed and updated in such a way that it is easy for users and administrators to post comments and reply. 2. If the administrator is logged in and registers a comment, the comment will be automatically approved and there is no need to refer to the administration department for confirmation. 3. After registering a comment, the user immediately sees his comment in the list of comments and can edit and correct it. But other users will not be able to see it until the comment is approved. 4. The programming of other comment sections, including pagination, etc., is done with Ajax technique. Design completion date: 13 Jun 2020 | 13 onwards |
190 | Home page customization: The site administrator can manage the display status of different sections on the main page and the number of items that can be displayed in each section by editing the variables of the pubic.txt file. For example, displaying or not displaying advertising banners at the top of the page, displaying or not displaying top sellers and their number, displaying or not displaying top products at the bottom of the page and their number, displaying or not displaying ads and their number in the left column of the page, Showing or not showing Iranian sites and their number in the left column of the page and showing or not showing new articles and their number and whether or not they have photos and... Design completion date: 22 Dec 2019 | 13 onwards |
189 | Earn money by registering articles: Users can earn money by registering new and updated articles. With the registration of each article, an amount is presented to its author. The value of the articles is determined by grading (Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3). Rating amounts can be edited by the administrator. At the moment the article is approved, the manager determines what level the article is and the article is automatically approved and the amount is added to the balance of the author of the article. Design completion date: 29 Nov 2019 | 13 onwards |
188 | Buying and selling backlinks: User can buy backlinks or sell backlinks. By buying a backlink, the link of the users site is placed on other sites and increases the number of visits and the rank of his site. The user himself determines which sites his site link should be placed on. By selling backlinks, the links of other sites are displayed on the users site, and the user is paid an amount for displaying each link. The amount is determined by the user. Confirmation or rejection of links is done by the user. Design completion date: 15 Oct 2019 | 13 onwards |
Version 12 | Installation in versions | 187 | Ability to edit site menus: Making changes in the menus of the marketing panel and the sales panel, etc., can be done by the site administrator. The site administrator can disable parts of the menus or change their titles or manipulate their style. Design completion date: 17 Aug 2019 | 12 onwards |
186 | public.txt management file: The site administrator can manipulate the desired variables in the public.txt file. Currently, the following variables can be manipulated, which will be added with the passage of time:
- The number of products that can be displayed on each store page
- The number of ads that can be displayed on each page of the ad station
- The number of articles that can be displayed on each article page
- The number of orders that can be displayed on each customer, seller, marketer panel page
- Maximum number of product photos
- Maximum number of ad photos
- Maximum number of article photos
- Maximum size of each photo
- The maximum file size of the downloaded product
- Maximum shopping cart items
- The maximum number that can be selected for each product in the shopping cart
- Variables related to discount codes
- The activation or deactivation of SMS in different sections, including: registration SMS, order registration SMS, mail order SMS for the seller, home order SMS for the seller, postal code SMS for the customer, commission payment SMS for the marketer, SMS Send messages in messengers And ... Design completion date: 17 Aug 2019 | 12 onwards |
185 | The registration and editing form (product, advertisement, article) has become more professional.: Registration and editing of products, advertisements and articles are done with Ajax technique and without full page loading, which in addition to increasing the speed, the user works more easily with that form. In that form, it is possible to upload several photos. It is possible to delete any of the photos by the user. The maximum number of photos can be changed by the site administrator. Design completion date: 17 Aug 2019 | 12 onwards |
184 | Editor update: The site editor was updated to the latest version. The site editor is used in product registration, advertisement registration, article registration, editing the main text of the pages, editing the footer text of the pages, etc. Design completion date: 17 Jul 2019 | 12 onwards |
183 | Discount codes: The seller can define a discount code for one or more products or for all his products. Each discount code has a start time and an end time. Marketers can see the list of products with discount codes in the marketing links section and advertise those products with the discount code if they wish. If a product has a discount code, the buyer of that product can enter the discount code in his shopping cart and benefit from the relevant discount. Design completion date: 15 Jul 2019 | 12 onwards |
182 | Online courses: Online courses are another type of product that a seller can register on the site. Each course can include several lessons. Each lesson can have a video. After purchasing a course, the customer can view the courses and related videos on a separate page. Design completion date: 19 Jun 2019 | 12 onwards |
181 | Description after buy: The seller can enter a description for each product that will be shown to the customer on the file download page after purchasing the product. The description of the seller is placed before the download links of the files. Design completion date: 25 Apr 2019 | 12 onwards |
180 | Upload multiple files for each product: Seller can upload multiple zip files for each product. During the upload, an upload progress bar is shown for each file. It is possible to delete any file by the seller. After purchase, the customer can view the download links of all the files of that product and proceed to download them. Design completion date: 25 Apr 2019 | 12 onwards |
179 | Money back guarantee: The seller can activate the refund feature for the desired products. So that the buyer can request a refund within a few days after purchasing the product. After the buyer requests a refund, his request can be approved or rejected by the seller. Purchase money that has the possibility of refund cannot be withdrawn by the seller or marketer until the relevant time expires or the refund request is rejected or approved. After confirmation, the balance of the user panel of the buyer, marketer and seller will be corrected. Design completion date: 14 Apr 2019 | 12 onwards |
178 | Star rating: Users can give star rating to products, advertisements and articles. Star rating allows you to graphically measure the popularity of the content and pages of your site with the points given by visitors. The star score is placed in the form of rich snippets on the pages so that it can be identified by search engines, especially Google, and Google can show the stars in its search results. Users usually like to click on starred links in Google search results. Design completion date: 17 Mar 2019 | 12 onwards |
177 | Optional activation: New users are not transferred to another page for activation on each page they register, but stay on the same page and can operate without activation. If a specific operation requires activation (for example, product registration) on the same page, a small activation box will be shown to the user to do the activation right there. This prevents the user from getting confused. Activation means confirming the mobile number or email or website. Design completion date: 23 Jan 2019 | 12 onwards |
176 | Messenger: Mesbi Messenger is the development and promotion of the communication section with members, whose space and graphics are designed based on advanced messengers. Using Mesbi Messenger, users can: 1. Chat online with any user they like and give each other advice. 2. Find online users or desired users by the search icon. 3. Before buying a product, chat privately with the seller of that product and ask the seller your questions and buy with more confidence. 4. Edit or delete the profile photo at any time (with the ability to crop the photo). 5. Send group messages to users. 6. Make money: first way) If the users subgroup sends a group message, the user will receive a commission. Second way) by reading the group messages sent to the user, he receives a commission. Design completion date: 04 Jan 2019 | 12 onwards |
175 | Notify me when available: Any user can specify by referring to the unavailable product page that he will be notified by e-mail or SMS or both when the product becomes available. After that, if the product is available, it will be notified automatically according to the users request. Design completion date: 22 Oct 2018 | 12 onwards |
174 | Warehouse inventory management: The inventory of postal products decreases automatically with each sale. The seller can easily change the product inventory and keep it updated without entering the product editing page. Customers cannot place an order for more than the number of products in stock. When the stock of the product runs out, that product becomes unorderable and the seller is immediately notified by an email, and when the seller increases its stock again, it is activated immediately without checking the manager. If the seller has a postal product that he intends to deactivate due to its unavailability, it is enough to make the stock of that product to zero so that it cannot be ordered. Design completion date: 16 Sep 2018 | 12 onwards |
173 | Page footer management: You can easily edit the footer (bottom) of any page of your site. Footer management uses a powerful graphic editor, like the main text management of pages, so you can use html codes in the footer, which can include plain text, links, tables, photos, scripts, and all kinds of codes from other sites. Design completion date: 03 Aug 2018 | 12 onwards |
172 | Shopping by pay-at-home method: Previously, two methods were created for purchase (1. online payment, 2. payment with the balance of the user panel). Whenever a user orders a product or products, the order status is initially Pending Payment. If the user chooses the pay-at-home method, the order will be converted to the status of pay-at-home. The order whose status is pay-at-home must be sent by the relevant sellers to the customers address and after sending, enter the tracking code in the relevant field for that order so that the order becomes sent. The site manager tracks the orders sent through the tracking code. Every order reaches the customer, it becomes delivered and the order commission is automatically deducted from the balance of the sellers panel. Obviously, at the time of placing the order, the status of pay-at-home can only be selected for orders that the relevant sellers have stock in the amount of the relevant commission, and all the items in the shopping cart are of postal type, and the relevant sellers have activated the option of pay-at-home for the relevant products. Design completion date: 20 Jul 2018 | 12 onwards |
171 | Various marketing competitions: You can hold all kinds of contests for the competition of marketers. For example: product sales contest, advertisement attraction contest, etc. Active matches are shown randomly on the main page of the site. Other competitions are shown in the respective Member Marketing Panel and Seller Panel. At any moment, the best marketers of the competition up to that moment are visible. Design completion date: 13 Jun 2018 | 12 onwards |
170 | Android application: Today, most users use mobile phones. By having a dedicated application for your site, you can provide better and faster services to your users. Users can install your website application on their phone or tablet and use it easily. Design completion date: 20 May 2018 | 12 onwards |
169 | ZarinPal online payment portal: The ZarinPal online payment was added to versions 12 and later, so if the administrator activates this port for the site, in other parts of the site where the user needs to pay, the user can simply and online through the ZarinPal, make your payment. It should be noted that the portals of BankPasargad, BankMellat, IranKish, and ArinPal have already been launched. The administrator can enable or disable the desired port in the management section. Design completion date: 12 May 2018 | 12 onwards |
168 | Product sizing: The seller can size the product and can consider different prices for different sizes of the product, so the customer can choose the desired size when ordering the product. Design completion date: 22 Apr 2018 | 12 onwards |
167 | Dedicated and intelligent Telegram bot: Considering the millions of Telegram users, it is necessary to have a dedicated intelligent Telegram bot that can ask and answer questions with the user. A smart bot can increase customer acquisition and also simplify marketing work. This bot is connected to the site online and can provide the information required by the user in a fraction of a second, generate a marketing link and even register an order and many other features. Masbi bot is @masbibot. Design completion date: 31 Mar 2018 | 12 onwards |
166 | Monthly, annual and overall sales statistics and graphs: The site administrator can view monthly statistics and graphs, annual statistics and graphs, and general statistics and graphs of sales of site products (for each product individually or for all products). Also, site sellers can view statistics and graphs of monthly, annual and overall sales of all their products or each product individually. In previous versions, it was only possible to view monthly statistics. Design completion date: 23 Feb 2018 | 12 onwards |
165 | SMS sending system Programming and installation of SMS sending system was done. Design completion date: 19 Jan 2018 | 12 onwards |
164 | The ability to edit the color name and the corresponding price in the product color form, by the seller Design completion date: 12 Jan 2018 | 12 onwards |
163 | In the content description field (product, ad, article), if there are photos that are loaded from other sites, once the administrator visits the page of that content, those photos are automatically downloaded from the source site and stored in the sites host. and the address of those photos is automatically corrected in the description field of that content. Design completion date: 05 Jan 2018 | 12 onwards |
162 | Optimizing pages to obtain SSL certificate: In order for the site to benefit from the SSL certificate, it is necessary to load the files on the site pages (photos, javascripts, etc.) with the https address. This modification was done on all pages. What is an SSL certificate? You must have seen sites that, like Masbi site, their address starts with https and a green logo is displayed next to the address of those websites. SSL Certificate creates a secure connection between your website and your users. And hackers and any other system cannot listen or see the information exchanged between your website and your users. Design completion date: 04 Jan 2018 | 12 onwards |
161 | The possibility of choosing one of the methods of custom post and lead post by the customer: After adding the product to the shopping cart and after entering the postal address, the customer can choose one of the post options. After placing the order and payment by the customer, the method of sending the goods will be notified to the seller (the method of sending the goods can be seen both through e-mail and in the seller panel). Design completion date: 28 Aug 2017 | 12 onwards |
160 | Determining the terms of free shipping by the seller: The seller can determine that if the customer orders a minimum amount of his products, the shipping cost is free. For example: Orders from the seller products that have a minimum purchase amount of $200 and are registered by the beginning of August 8, will have free shipping. That is, at the time of placing the order, the shipping fee should not be added to the customer payable amount. The introduction of free shipping of products is shown to the user on the main page of Masbi and on the dedicated page of the seller products and on the page of each seller product. With this method, the probability that the customer will order several products of the seller at the same time or that he will order a large number of his products at once increases. Design completion date: 29 Jul 2017 | 12 onwards |
159 | : Design completion date: 04 May 2017 | 12 onwards |
158 | : Design completion date: 07 Dec 2016 | 12 onwards |
157 | : Design completion date: 15 Nov 2016 | 12 onwards |
156 | : Design completion date: 11 Nov 2016 | 12 onwards |
155 | : Design completion date: 29 Oct 2016 | 12 onwards |
154 | : Design completion date: 23 Oct 2016 | 12 onwards |
153 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
152 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
151 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
150 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
149 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
148 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
147 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
146 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
145 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
144 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
143 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
142 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
141 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
140 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
139 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
138 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
137 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
136 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
135 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
134 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
133 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
132 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
131 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
130 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
129 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
128 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
127 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
126 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
125 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
124 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
123 | : Design completion date: Year 2016 | 12 onwards |
Version 11 | Installation in versions | 122 | : Design completion date: 05 Mar 2016 | 11 onwards |
121 | : Design completion date: 21 Feb 2016 | 11 onwards |
120 | : Design completion date: 16 Feb 2016 | 11 onwards |
119 | : Design completion date: 08 Jan 2016 | 11 onwards |
118 | : Design completion date: 16 Dec 2015 | 11 onwards |
117 | : Design completion date: 16 Nov 2015 | 11 onwards |
Version 10 | Installation in versions | 116 | : Design completion date: 30 Oct 2015 | 10 onwards |
115 | : Design completion date: 30 Oct 2015 | 10 onwards |
114 | : Design completion date: 04 Aug 2015 | 10 onwards |
113 | : Design completion date: 08 Jul 2015 | 10 onwards |
112 | : Design completion date: 13 Nov 2014 | 10 onwards |
111 | : Design completion date: 13 Nov 2014 | 10 onwards |
110 | : Design completion date: 18 Sep 2014 | 10 onwards |
109 | : Design completion date: 08 Sep 2014 | 10 onwards |
108 | : Design completion date: 06 Aug 2014 | 10 onwards |
107 | : Design completion date: 17 Jun 2014 | 10 onwards |
106 | : Design completion date: 18 Mar 2014 | 10 onwards |
105 | : Design completion date: 02 Mar 2014 | 10 onwards |
104 | : Design completion date: 24 Oct 2013 | 10 onwards |
103 | : Design completion date: 26 Sep 2013 | 10 onwards |
102 | : Design completion date: 31 Aug 2013 | 10 onwards |
101 | : Design completion date: 08 Jul 2013 | 10 onwards |
100 | : Design completion date: 26 Jun 2013 | 10 onwards |
99 | : Design completion date: 11 Jun 2013 | 10 onwards |
98 | : Design completion date: 30 May 2013 | 10 onwards |
97 | : Design completion date: 28 May 2013 | 10 onwards |
96 | : Design completion date: 04 May 2013 | 10 onwards |
95 | : Design completion date: 14 Apr 2013 | 10 onwards |
94 | : Design completion date: 30 Mar 2013 | 10 onwards |
93 | : Design completion date: 26 Mar 2013 | 10 onwards |
92 | : Design completion date: 24 Mar 2013 | 10 onwards |
91 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
90 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
89 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
88 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | All versions |
87 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | All versions |
85 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
84 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
83 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
82 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
81 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
80 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
79 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
78 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
77 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
76 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
75 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
74 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 10 onwards |
Version 9 | Installation in versions | 73 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
72 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
71 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
70 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
69 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
68 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
67 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
66 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
64 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
63 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
62 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
61 | : Design completion date: Year 2012 | 9 onwards |
Version 8 | Installation in versions | 60 | : Design completion date: Year 2011 | 8 onwards |
59 | : Design completion date: Year 2011 | 8 onwards |
58 | : Design completion date: Year 2011 | 8 onwards |
57 | : Design completion date: Year 2011 | 10 onwards |
Version 7 | Installation in versions | 55 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 onwards |
54 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 onwards |
53 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 onwards |
52 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 |
51 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 onwards |
50 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 |
49 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 |
48 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 and 12 onwards |
47 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 and 12 onwards |
46 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 7 |
Version 6 | Installation in versions | 45 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 and 7 |
44 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
43 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
42 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
41 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
40 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
39 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
38 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 6 onwards |
Version 5 | Installation in versions | 37 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 5 onwards |
Version 4 | Installation in versions | 36 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 4 onwards |
Version 3 | Installation in versions | 35 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 to 11 |
34 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
33 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
32 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
31 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
30 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
29 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
28 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
27 | : Design completion date: Year 2010 | 3 onwards |
Version 2 | Installation in versions | 26 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
25 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
24 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
23 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
22 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
21 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
20 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
19 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
18 | : Design completion date: Year 2009 | 2 onwards |
Version 1 | Installation in versions | 17 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
16 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
15 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
14 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
13 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
12 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
11 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
10 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
9 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
8 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
7 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
6 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
5 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
4 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
3 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
2 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |
1 | : Design completion date: Year 2008 | All versions |