Due to the open source nature of the product, the programmer has no obligation regarding the changes required by the customer, fixing the problems caused by the incompatibility of different versions of Office, the presence of bugs in Office, and the like. Before making a purchase, please read the following description completely and, if necessary, get the necessary information through the site's messengers or by contacting the seller. Use the links (buttons) at the end of this page to view contact information for the seller. The payment is non-refundable.
To log in after purchasing and downloading the file, first, according to the guide inside the program folder, enable the execution of macros in the access settings, and after opening the access file again, selectt the username admin and enter the password 123.
A program in Access 2007 format for teaching Access, which can also be used as a simple attendance program. Also, the source of the program is open and it is possible to change it.
The file seller on this site is also its designer and programmer.
Program components:
Students table: including fields: name, surname, student code, national code and photo (using Attachment data type)
Classes table: only includes class date and class code fields
Attendance table: including class code, student code, present, absent, description fields
Establishing relationships between tables
Query the attendees of the current day for the report of the attendees of the day
Current day's absent inquiry for the present day's report
Query to calculate the total number of attendance/absence of students
Attendance summary query for simple reporting of student attendance within a specific date range.
Define, edit and delete classes form
Defining, editing and deleting students form
Attendance registration form
Attendance reporting form in a specific historical range and selectt all or specific students.
The main form to access data entry forms and reports and use as a switchboard.
Login form to get user name and password.
Raw attendance report including code, name and photo of students for manual attendance.
Attendance report in a specific historical range
Calculation of the total attendance of students/specific students.
Show today's attendees
Today's absentee show
Visual Basic Codes (VBA):
Simple codes to perform actions such as opening forms and reports and performing simple calculations.
Functions for working with dates, all of which can be used in other Access projects.